If your pet is suffering from conditions such as arthritis, hip dysplasia, lameness, gastrointestinal disease, chronic health issues, or back problems, he or she might benefit from our chiropractic services. Professional chiropractic manipulation can help ease pain, improve flexibility and mobility, and even enhance organ function. Chiropractic therapy can also promote healing and improve range of motion in dogs injured during sporting events.
Chiropractic philosophy is based on the relationship of the spinal cord to the nervous system of the entire body. It primarily involves manipulation of the spinal cord but can also involve manipulation of the leg joints and skull, strengthening or stretching muscles, and post-manipulation exercise. Most animals show no signs of pain or discomfort during therapy.
We use veterinary chiropractic in conjunction with traditional therapies to give your pet the best possible outcome. To discuss whether your pet is a candidate for chiropractic therapy, please call our clinic and set up an appointment with our experienced veterinarian.
VOM uses an activator to gently apply small pressure pumps along the body. This stimulates the body's immune system, improves body function, reduces chronic illnesses, and increases longevity by 28.5% on average. The American Veterinary Chiropractic Association (AVCA) states that physically manipulating specific energy points in the body lead to healthier interaction and communication throughout the whole body. It improves overall health and activates the body's ability to self heal while removing subluxations.
Subluxations are slight misalignments of vertebrae, leading to decreased motion in the joints.
Maintains optimal health and wellness, aids in pain/discomfort relief, musculoskeletal disease, spinal cord problems, organ communication, skin issues, rehabilitation and more.
A treatment designed for relieving pain and improving organ system function by stimulating specific energy points on the body. These energy points (meridians) are triggered using traditional needles or with stimulation with lasers, electricity, vitamin b12 injections or pulsating energy waves.
Acupuncture can be used to help improve or cure problems your pet might have, including those related to the musculoskeletal, reproductive, neurological, or gastrointestinal systems. Acupuncture can also be used to manage pain and hasten recovery after surgery.
Acupuncture, which originated in China, has been used as a therapeutic treatment option for thousands of years. According to traditional Chinese medicine, the body is composed of several pathways called “meridians,” which channel the body's natural energy. When disease is present, energy is interrupted or unbalanced. Stimulating acupuncture points along the meridians can restore energy flow, resulting in improved or cured health problems.
Because the needles used in acupuncture are extremely thin and sterile, they cause minimal or no pain and are generally well tolerated by pets. However, incorrect placement of the needle or inadequate sterilization can result in pain or complications, which is why you should only have a qualified practitioner perform acupuncture on your pet.
To determine if your pet’s condition(s) may be responsive to this treatment modality, please set up an exam with one of our qualified veterinarians.
The whole body operates and communicates on electricity and pulses. When those pulses are disrupted, they may cause weaknesses in those parts of the body. The Healy device detects the body’s natural electrical frequency and radiates a low pulse to match the frequency and boosts the weak pulses. With these weak pulses supported, the Healy device can relief headaches, migraines, back pain, muscle pain, improve concentration, relief anxiety, insomnia and supports regeneration.
A device for relieving pain and improving body the function of organ systems by stimulating acupuncture points on the surface of the body. Despite being called a "cold laser" the laser itself feels warm. The laser is dangerous to look at directly, so our team wears specialized sunglasses to block out the light, while protecting the pets by never directly taking it off their body. A Cold Laser session is excellent when coupled with acupuncture and chiropractic adjustment as a cool down session to relax the body, support specific weaknesses and hasten recover.
This therapy uses a gentle pulsating energy pad to improve microcirculation within the blood vessels; promoting self healing and supporting the immune system. Excellent for general well-being, athletic support, headaches, muscle tension, arthritis, heart issues, rehabilitation and much more.
BEMER therapy is available for rent so the whole family can feel the benefits.
Aromatherapy is the inhalation, ingestion or topical application of plant oils, called essential oils. They are used to improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being or to treat specific diseases.
A healing technique based on the principle that the practitioner channels energy into the patient by touch. Their energy activates the patient's energy to help the healing process while restoring their physical and emotional well-being.
Dr. Edward Bach, a British homeopath developed a collection of 38 remedies that correspond to common emotional states. The most famous is a blend of five remedies known Rescue Remedy, which can be added to a pet’s water to minimize stress while keeping the immunity strong.
Allergies are a common issue that affects all creatures big and small; they can be passed down genetically or developed over time. In order to contend with an allergy, one must understand what is triggering the reaction before attempting to treat it. We provide several methods of testing to pinpoint a pet’s allergies and help you move forward in what you can do to mitigate their reactions.
Nelco Allergy Panel is a blood test which checks a pet’s allergies to food and environmental allergens.
Hemopet’s Nutriscan is a saliva-based test which runs an extended panel on food-based allergens. For more information on allergies, read our article here.
Vaccinations are crucial in ensuring young pets have the proper immunities to various diseases like Distemper, Parvovirus and Rabies. However, over vaccinating has become an issue in modern day and can lead to dangerous side effects which may endanger your pets life. To counter this, we adjust the amount medication we give to each patient and provide them with homeopathic remedies to combat any side effects that may come.
Once your pet is of proper age and developed the proper anti-bodies, we highly suggest performing a titer test. A titer test is where we take a sample of blood and have the lab detect if the previous vaccine is still in their system. If it comes back positive, you will be given an exemption letter stating your animal is still considered vaccinated. This exemption letter can be used for travelling, grooming salons, and day cares. If the test comes back low, your pet will have to receive another vaccine and we can perform a titer test next time they are due.
Vitamin C is a strong immune support we use for several anti-cancer and anti-infection diseases. Not only has it shown to improve a pet’s quality of life through better appetite and better mobility, but it has also proven adept at slowing or blocking the growth of tumors and repairing tissue within the body.
Oxygen molecules (O2) is made into Ozone (O3) using a specialized electrical generator. The ozone is then introduced into the animal in various ways depending on the disease. We have found this treatment to slow or stop the progression of cancer, as it has been proven that cancer cells cannot survive in hyper oxygenated environments. This also detoxifies the body, kills germs, improves the functioning of all cells, and can reduce itchiness.
Our most successful methods are:
Biophotonic Treatments: By combining sodium chloride, ozone, and a small amount of blood, we run the mixture through a UV light to stimulate the ozone before injecting it back into the patient.
Coffee-Ozone Enemas: By doing a routine enema, we add coffee grounds and ozone and insert the solution inside the pet's rectum to let sit in the digestive tract to help clean our the pet's system.
Fecal Transplantation: By using clean fecal matter and combining with ozone, the mixture is placed within the pet's rectum and let sit; introducing good bacteria back into the pet's system.
A miraculous “fountain of youth” for severe arthritis in dogs. We surgically remove two ounces of body fat and ship it overnight to the Vet-Stem Laboratory in California. They extract the stem cells and ship them back in syringes where we inject the stem cells into the arthritic joints to regenerate function. It has proven to be very healing in any other degenerative disease, such as chronic kidney disease or heart disease.
Check out Bruiser Raffiani’s story at http://holisticpetcarenj.blogspot.com/p/success-stories.html
Herbal medicine is a system of treatment utilizing whole plants and plant extracts in the treatment of disease and maintenance of health. Many pharmaceutical medications began as herbs but, by extracting the “active ingredient”, other constituents of the plant that would temper side effects are removed.
Neoplasene is a cancer formulation made from bloodroot extract, halogens and water. It is administered topically and orally to dissolve tumors.
A non-surgical therapy for ligament reconstruction and treatment for chronic pain. Utilizing ozone, vitamin B12, lidocaine and sterile water; we can heal the connective tissue in and around joints from accidents or chronic injuries while improving circulation, reducing pain and stimulate the immune system for faster healing.
Homoeopathic remedies are liquid extracts or pellets derived from plants, minerals, drugs, viruses, bacteria or animal substances. These remedies do not mask or suppress symptoms; they treat the deepest constitutional causes of the illness. Homoeopathic remedies contain vibrational energy that matches the patterns present in the diseased state within the ailing patient and thereby neutralizing them.
Homoeopathy works on the principle of “Similia Similibus Curentur”, or “like cures like.” For example, chopping an onion will cause your nose and eyes to water. A homoeopathic remedy made from onion, Allium Cepa, is a remedy for hay fever presenting with runny nose and eyes.
Homoeopathy can be used to help treat or prevent a range of health conditions in pets, including allergic reactions, chronic disease, and anxiety. It is sometimes used in conjunction with acupuncture and chiropractic therapy.
Derived from the Greek words homoios, which means like or similar, and pathos, which means suffering (disease), homoeopathy is based on the philosophy that “like cures like.” Homoeopathy uses very dilute solutions (extremely small quantities) of medication that, in an undiluted form, can actually cause symptoms of the disease or condition.
This therapeutic method was developed more than 200 years ago when a German scientist ingested the bark of a cinchona tree, which contains quinine (used to treat malaria at the time). He began to experience the same symptoms as malaria. When he stopped taking the tree bark, his symptoms disappeared. The scientist theorized that if a substance could cause symptoms of a disease, minute amounts of that same substance could cure the disease by stimulating the body’s natural defences.
Homoeopathic remedies are prepared from pure, natural substances derived from plants, animals, and minerals. Their preparation may involve diluting the original substance from ten times to millions of times with water or alcohol. Remedies include Arsenicum album, belladonna, and chamomilla. Because these remedies are highly diluted, they are generally considered safe and unlikely to cause severe adverse reactions.
Homoeopathy is not typically used to replace conventional veterinary treatment. To keep your pet as safe as possible, it is a good idea to have him or she see the same veterinarian for both conventional and alternative treatment.
To discuss the potential use of homoeopathy in your pet, please call our clinic to set up an appointment.
Homotoxicology combines homoeopathy, herbology, and the pet’s blood chemistry. The combination is injected into specific acupressure points to remove the specific toxins associated with that pet’s ailments.
The aim of Bio-nutritional Analysis is to discover subclinical blood imbalances. Therapeutic protocols are then developed to improve or correct the total physiological and biochemical functioning of the body. This is a powerful tool in disease prevention as well as disease treatment.
Our clients come from New Jersey, Manhattan, Staten Island, Westchester County, Eastern Pennsylvania, and beyond! If you are further away, please call us about telehealth consultations for your pet.