Free Dental Screenings in February!

Houndstooth Pet Teeth Cleaning

Houndstooth Non-Anesthetic Veterinary Dental Service (NAVDS) has specialized in preventative dental care for dogs & cats for nearly 20 years and is regarded as the premier provider in this unique field. We offer thorough dental cleanings without the use of anaesthetics.

Non-anaesthetic dental cleanings offer a safe, affordable alternative to standard anaesthetic-based cleanings. By combining extensive training and Houndstooth’s gentle handling techniques, our technicians are able to effectively clean both above & below the gum line and polish while your pet remains alert & comfortable.

By eliminating the risks of anaesthesia, regular dental care can be provided to most pets, including high-risk breeds, pets with medical conditions and those whose guardians want to avoid anaesthesia.

Houndstooth technicians are professionals specializing in the unique dental needs of pets. They are highly skilled in all levels of pet dental hygiene & the detection of abnormal dental conditions.

What Our Customers Say

Our clients come from New Jersey, Manhattan, Staten Island, Westchester County, Eastern Pennsylvania, and beyond! If you are further away, please call us about telehealth consultations for your pet.

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