Pet care around the world has been evolving quickly. Once upon a time, a bag of kibble and an occasional trip to the veterinarian for vaccinations were the extent of a wellness program for pets. As our own knowledge about health maintenance and improvement has grown, so have the information and treatment options for pet care. 

Pet longevity has been in the forefront of the news lately as companies are testing new drugs to help large pets improve their longevity. However, these potential products are still a long way in the making - not to mention the testing - process. At Longevity Veterinary Center, helping your pet to live longer and live better is embedded in our name and into our veterinary care philosophy. We integrate conventional and holistic pet care therapies to give you and your pet a broad set of options for a long and healthy life. 

While we applaud new research to benefit pets, we believe that there are steps that you can take right now that will improve your pet’s health and give them the longest, fullest life possible. We gathered our team and created this list of care guidelines to help guide you: 

Nutrition: The earlier you can start feeding a healthy, whole-foods diet to your pet, the better their chances for a long and healthy life. Many shelf-stable foods lack the vital nutrition for true wellness and contain long lists of additives and preservatives that are not health promoting. We advocate a fresh, raw diet for your pets without artificial or filler ingredients. 

Exercise: Like humans, pets need exercise to stay well. An active lifestyle with both physical and mental exercise for your pet will promote their wellbeing in significant ways. Fresh air walks will help your pet to burn calories and improve circulation, while play time can challenge your pet mentally and reduce destructive behavior. 

Wellness Exams: Starting a proper wellness protocol for your pets is essential to staying on top of their health. Creating baselines for your pet’s wellness allowsyour veterinarian to identify any imbalances or changes in the body over time. Bloodwork results can identify precursors to illness, while urinalysis and fecal testing can show signs of infection or parasites. Keeping up with your wellness checks will help your veterinarian to partner with you effectively to promote your pet’s longevity and vitality. 

Dental Hygiene: Dental issues can be a huge cause of pain and inflammation for your pet. Years of plaque and tartar buildup can release dangerous bacteria into your pet’s body and may affect other organs. For example, periodontal disease can lead to endocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle. Regular dental cleanings, both at home by teeth brushing and with deeper veterinary cleanings, will help prevent tooth loss, decay, and pain. 

Immune Boosting Care: Maintaining a healthy immune system is at the core of longevity. Integrative therapies such as chiropractic and acupuncture can address structural imbalances and reduce pain, while also being powerful therapies for strengthening the immune system. Many integrative therapies can improve joint mobility, reduce pain, and speed healing, and non-invasive options such as cold laser therapy, homeopathy, and herbal supplementation can reduce inflammation and enhance vitality. 

Avoid Toxins: Toxins are ever present in our environment and pose risks for us and for our pets. Harsh chemicals in household cleaners, chemicals in conventional flea and tick control medicines, artificial food colorings and preservatives, lawn care chemicals and fertilizers, and even excessive vaccinations can damage your pet’s health. Reduce your pet’s exposure by switching to natural, non-toxic products, wholesome fresh food, and checking vaccine titers before getting booster shots. 

Minimize Stress: Stress impacts our bodies by weakening our ability to fend off illness. Fireworks, storms, introduction of a new pet to your home, changing living conditions, and separation anxiety are just a few factors that can contribute to your pet’s stress. Studies have shown that stress and anxiety can shorten a pet’s lifespan[1] and result in destructive behavior and aggression. Providing safe, quiet spaces for your pet, a familiar routine, and positive reinforcement techniques can help keep your pet calm and healthy. Essential oils, homeopathy, and herbal supplements can also be useful in reducing pet anxiety and stress. 

Home Care Suggestions: At Longevity, we like to empower our pet parents to be actively involved in their pet’s wellness. There are simple things that you can add to your routine, such as daily brushing of your pet to stimulate circulation and thumping their thymus gland to stimulate the production of white blood cells, that provide easy wellness gains. For dog owners, wiping your dog’s paws after a walk will help reduce exposure to allergens or clean off salts or chemicals they may have encountered along the way. 

Quality pet care is truly the path to longevity for your pet. Always be an advocate for your pet and educate yourself on the benefits and risks of health care options. We are fortunate to be able to offer so many modalities for wellness and invite you to explore them along your healthcare journey. For more information about pet therapies and services available, please visit our website at 


[1] Nancy Dreschel (2010). The effects of fear and anxiety on health and lifespan in pet dogs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 125, 157–162