Maintaining your pet’s oral health is a vital aspect of their overall well-being and quality of life. Just like humans, pets can suffer from dental issues that, if left untreated, can lead to pain, discomfort, tooth loss, and even more severe health problems. Traditionally, dental procedures for pets have been performed under general anesthesia. However, advancements in veterinary care have given rise to non-anesthetic dentistry (NAD) as an alternative approach, offering numerous benefits for your pet and for you!

Why Non-Anesthetic?

While general anesthesia is a routine practice in veterinary dentistry, it does come with inherent risks, especially for animals with pre-existing health conditions or those who are older. Anesthesia complications can range from allergic reactions and respiratory issues to cardiovascular stress and even mortality. Additionally, the cost of anesthesia, the required pre-anesthetic fasting, and post-procedure recovery can be demanding on both pets and their owners.

The Non-Anesthetic Dentistry Alternative

Non-anesthetic dentistry (NAD) is gaining popularity as a less invasive option for maintaining and even improving the oral health of pets. NAD involves cleaning and scaling a pet's teeth without the use of general anesthesia. Instead, pets are gently restrained using specialized techniques, and dental tools are used to remove plaque, tartar, and other debris. NAD is particularly well-suited for pets who are considered high-risk candidates for anesthesia or those whose owners are concerned about the potential risks or for whom the cost of anesthesia is prohibitive.

Additional Benefits of NAD

In addition to removing the risks of anesthesia for your pet, NAD can minimize the stress and anxiety that your pet may have, promoting a more positive experience for both you and your pet!

Without the need for anesthesia, pets undergoing NAD typically experience shorter recovery periods. This allows them to return to their regular routines much more quickly..

When performed regularly, Non-anesthetic dentistry can serve as an effective preventive measure to maintain and improve dental health. Consistent NAD helps maintain optimal oral hygiene and reduces the likelihood of severe dental issues developing.

While NAD offers many benefits, it's important to acknowledge that it may not be a fit for all pets and that more serious dental conditions may still require a deep cleaning with anesthesia. For example, highly anxious or uncooperative pets might not tolerate NAD treatments well and may require sedation.

At Longevity Veterinary Center, we are pleased to offer our clients non-anesthetic dentistry by our trained technicians While it may not be suitable for every pet or every dental issue, NAD provides an alternative that reduces stress, costs, and potential complications. To learn more or to schedule your pet’s NAD appointment, please contact us at (973) 606-1101.